Just ranting about my day.

I love making people smile (:

Hmmm. Sure is a hectic crazy week. My reports are all submitted late and are in terrible conditions. Well, it's finally over. AFTER SO LONG ): So damn sick of it, just the thought of it, it makes me wna vomit. I so wna get over that stupid trading period. It just annoys me every single day. I forgot all about closing shop today. I dozed off while watching twin and josh chiong-ing finance. I so condemn mr and bbf. Loads of shit crap. ): I also found myself dozing off during bus rides to school or back home. I can't seem to stay awake for just 5 minutes. And I reached my destination 30mins later before I knew it. That's how tired I am. Eye luggages ):

It's officially a wasted day. I spent time watching people, becoming a junkard and switching off to whatever I'm doing. I've got bruises on my knees, and God knows how they were formed. Even bumming around could bruise me. How on Earth can such an amazing thing happen. ): Oh, had lunch with bf-zero(: Yay, he decided to accompany me today. I'm grateful to have company! Anyway, watched them rush bbf as I'm helpless over finance, bummed around till 6.40pm and to find out I was late for band again. Yadah poo poo. Hmm wouldn't you be worried if all your reports were submitted late? I'm worried sick. Sigh. Mind's sick too. Band played jazz today, and poor Jolene couldn't play jazz for nuts. Never like to play jazz ): Had a rather bad experience maybe that's why. So was just trying to feel the music and rythms. I suck. Boo. Rest of the pieces were played badly still. Sigh.. I need a lot of practice): Can't find time for it. Dinner with the dearest at Techno. And off to our emo-playground for the normal chats. And back home at 12.30am again. Hehhh.

It's just strange how people could eventually become really good buddies, like how Seehua, Olivia and I have become. How we could slowly open our hearts and hear for each other. Standing by one another. (thinks of the tune oh darling darling stand.. by me. Twin and Jacq!) Lol. Random. There is just some people you can and can't talk to. Takes a lot of time and courage to open your hearts to this 'strangers' you've met? It's because you trust them? Hmmm. Strange.. Well what matters most is, we're all buddies(:

Oh well, I think that's enough of talking to myself. Bsc sccamp later. ): Hope it's going to be a good weekend. I'm so tired. Bet I'll sleep like a pig tmr night. New people to open up to again! Lol, like a 'vicious' life cycle. Where love and hate begins. Ee. ): Wow wow wow! Just saw a whole stretch of police cars whizzed past my block. OMG, so KUA ZHANG. Like 10 or more police cars from all directions! Wonder what happened?!?! OMG, never seen this before. We're not safe anymore ): Okay, mommy brought in fruits for me. And have to finish it before bed. Poooot. Okay, time's running short. have to wake at 7am later. BYEE LOVE.

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